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Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Middle Tennessee State University, Box 79
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132 

Main Office: 
BDA 301
Telephone:  (615) 898-2981
Fax:            (615) 898-5735

Department Chair: 
Dr. Olaf Berwald 
(615) 898-2982 

Executive Aide:
Betty Woodley  
(615) 898-5728

Language Placement Test


MTSU’s growth challenges forum highlights soaring Nashville airport, thorny livability issues

Hundreds gathered recently on the Middle Tennessee State University campus to discuss the Midstate region’s ongoing growth explosion, the challenges it raises and possible solutions to maintain and even improve the quality of life for current residents and the thousands that relocate here each year.[ Read More ]

Middle Tennessee State University President Sidney A. McPhee, center left, shakes hands with Nashville School of Law Dean William C. Koch Jr. following the institutions’ joint announcement Tuesday, Nov. 19, on the NSL campus in Nashville, Tenn., outlining a partnership in which a new MTSU master’s degree in legal studies will be taught in part by NSL faculty. Pictured, from left, are Joyce Heames, dean of MTSU’s Jones College of Business; Stephen Smith, MTSU Board of Trustees chairman; McPhee; Koch; Nashville attorney Aubrey Harwell Jr., chair of the NSL Board of Trust; and Beverly Keel, dean of MTSU’s College of Media and Entertainment. (MTSU photo by James Cessna)

THEC approval moves MTSU’s new Legal Studies master’s degree to final review

Middle Tennessee State University’s proposed Master of Science in Legal Studies, set to be taught in partnership with the Nashville School of Law, has earned approval by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the largest remaining hurdle in launching the new degree, the university announced Friday, March 28.[ Read More ]